14 November 2022

My Thoughts on the USA Mid-Term Elections

Well, well, well.

I'm glad to say that I was spot on in my private predictions on the results of the mid-term elections held last week in the USA. When EVERYONE was predicting a 'red wave' I was predicting another stolen election.

I was blessed (or cursed) with an enquiring mind and a very good working BS meter so it's come as no surprise that those running the global empire formally known as the USA, weren't prepared to lose another election - after Donald Trump shocked them all and won against all the odds in 2016.

That was their wake-up call to not leave it to the people to decide elections, but to put into place a sure-fire way of never losing another election that's not in their interest. And so with the advent of the Koof and using that as the pretext, many states implemented remote voting via ballots. You know, so that people didn't catch the Koof. And those temporary measures were then converted to permanent measures....

So now, votes don't count. Votes - which requires people in person to go vote.

Nope. Ballots count far more now. Ballots, which no one knows where they come from, who completed them, or how they got back to the election precinct to get counted. 

Ballots that they can now manufacture and where the completed ballots can be 'harvested' as need be. And not only ballots, but delayed counting has also become the norm. No longer will election results be known on the day of voting but now it's days after an election. And time and time again we have sure wins being changed after just the right amount of ballots are miraculously found days later for the other candidate to win. And it's always a Democrat.

You'd have to be STUPID, BLIND and DUMB not to see the con for what it is...

And still the so-called media keep up the farce. Not one enquiring mind asking any intelligent questions. No siree. In fact, if you even question election results these days, you're a traitor and a knuckle-dragger. A Q-Anon conspiracy theorist. 

Bear in mind that 'media' organisations have been infiltrated and are run by US intelligence. That includes Twitter. Elon Musk is no friend of 'freedom of speech' when he knows the CIA funds and controls Twitter. Some would call him 'controlled opposition'..... 

The New York Times is the plaything of the FBI and the US State Department. The CIA runs the Washington Post (WaPo) and some other far-left outlets. Each intelligence branch uses their favored outlet to either plant stories, provide excuses/cover their mistakes, or attack their latest enemy. And then to add insult to injury, when the FBI wants to use the FISA court to spy on someone (such as Donald Trump in 2015) they use the stories they planted in the media to justify the warrant. 

Just brilliant.

And the globalists who are in control no longer care if the American patriot people know that they're being bent over a barrel and royally screwed. They no longer have to hide what they're blatantly doing when they have the intelligence-controlled media covering their tracks. 

One lie is just a lie. Many lies eventually becomes the truth.

Now you understand why they had to go after anyone they could who objected to the 2020 election results. The so-called J6 prisoners. They are a warning to everyone. They have been held in prison since their arrest with no charges filed against them. And those who have been prosecuted, have been given outrageous sentences. 

The message is clear. Speak out in any way and you will be targeted, imprisoned and destroyed. 

Now, if you take one step back and don't use emotion to cloud your judgement, your eyes will be opened to what's going on. 

The US as people knew it is being destroyed right before their eyes by a bunch of power/money-hungry fascist communists. Big Corporations in lock-step with greedy power-mad evil people have combined to screw over the little man.

Fact: The Democratic and the Republican Parties are BUSINESSES. They have the same product to sell in exchange for power and money. Your vote. Their current product is the same thing - no difference. Open borders, division, tribalism, and hate. What better way to keep the People at each other's throats and not see what's being done to them, than to tell them to hate each other and their country. 

And pity the fools who think the Republican Party is going to somehow save America when they are in lock-step with the Democratic Party. The UniParty.

And no, Donald J Trump is not going to stop or save them. He couldn't do it in 2016 and he won't be able to do it in 2024 - whether he wins or not. He has the right instincts and he has the people on his side, but he isn't part of the UniClub.

Ask yourself why you haven't heard a peep about the mid-term results and the blatant election fraud from Mitch McConnell or any one running the GOP? Because they don't care. The results are exactly as planned.

The mask of 'pretending' it's about you the people is finally down. The band-aid has been ripped off. 

So, next time you hear that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave - laugh. It's the biggest lie in the history of the modern world. There's more freedom in Communist China than America. 

And if you are backing Ukraine in America's war against Russia - then I have a bridge to sell you. 

So, what's the answer you ask?

Well, there are 2 steps American's can take:

1. Invest in local elections - grassroots style. Get the right people put into local office, including school boards, municipalities, etc. Start from the bottom up. Rudi Giuliani stopped crime in New York by using the 'broken window theory'. You have to stop petty crime so that society can become decent enough to want to stop more dangerous crimes. By focusing on local elections, you have to put people in power who care about keeping society decent, and this should eventually filter up to the state representatives, where they can then stop the ballot voting system. Put the right people into power - not RINO cowards. 

2. Destroy the GOP. That was my gut feeling after they stole the election from Trump in 2020 and I still maintain that it's the only way to save America. By thinking that eventually the GOP will be run by true patriots, is unicorn beliefs. The GOP is a business. It's not there to make you happy or your life easier. It's there to keep them in power and in money. Just look at the current crop of GOP senators and representatives - I can count on one hand those who are true patriots and MAGA Republicans. The majority have their snouts firmly in the trough of self-enrichment with a care-factor of zero. No. You have to destroy the GOP - form another political party and make the GOP LOSE EVERY ELECTION until they are bankrupt. AND Stop funding the GOP. Give them $0. Sure, you may be under Democrat rule for a few years but at least they tell you how they're going to screw you over. Not the GOP. They lie to your face while smiling and stabbing you in the back. Just remember, even Democrat voters will eventually see that their own party hates them and they will look to other options. So, by destroying the GOP by forming another political party that puts Americans first, loves their country, and has God as their leader, you will also eventually destroy the Democrats.

The pendulum swings. And it's time for it to swing the other way.

Just my thoughts.....

01 April 2022

America - the Evil Empire

Corruption in America is everywhere and at all levels.

Growing up in South Africa, America was regarded as the place to be. Everyone from around the world wanted to go to America. 

A country that was established on the back of a constitution that allowed its citizens vast freedoms - allowed to say and do as they wanted within the law - where liberty and the pursuit of happiness were encouraged. If you could imagine it, you could probably achieve it in America. 

Those were the good old days, when the country was almost homogenously White European. A cohesive society with a common history, language and vision.

But then a few unhappy people with tyrannical tendencies, decided that such a happy, free and successful country had to be destroyed so they could prove that individual liberty wasn't the best platform on which to build a country, and that rather their dour view of central control and government dependency was the only way society could be 'fair' and 'equitable'. 

Sameness was their name and sameness was their game. 

And so the slow march through American institutions by these radical communists began. 

And they have finally succeeded. It took them a few decades, but America is now no longer a White Christian-majority country but a schizophrenic mess with deeply unhappy people wondering just what went wrong.

As the White Christian population declined, freedom died at a similar rate and the crazies took over. 

Back in good old Washington DC - or, as I like to call it, Washington Daily Corruption - the black rot was introduced decades ago and allowed to flourish. It has now set-in and has America in a stranglehold. This is not going to be easy - and may not even be possible - to remove. 

If polls are to believed, at a ratio of 3:1, Americans do not agree with the direction of the country. That means that the crazies are made up of just 25% of the population - yet they are in charge of running the country, from the schools, courts, lawyers, judges, law-enforcement, media, corporations, and so on. 

The tail is wagging the dog and the dog is patiently standing still. 

The old adage that power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, has never been more true in the case of America. The Good Old Party has morphed into the RINO-deluxe version, with only a handful of true American patriotic politicians left, trying to stand up and do the right thing. The majority have sold their soul for a spot for their snouts at the tax-funded feeding trough.

Over the past 6 months alone, over 1 million illegal crossings have occurred at the US Southern border. Yet Biden and his neo-con warmongers want the world to focus on the Ukrainian border while trying their hardest to spark WWIII. 

Maybe the Europeans will wake-up soon and realise America is destroying their countries by cutting their Russian gas, coal and oil supplies using the Ukraine crisis - which they started and instigated hiding behind NATO - as their proxy war with Russia. Wakey wakey Europe. Wakey wakey. But, that's for another day.

So, why do I call America the Evil Empire? Because they are putting evil out to the world, constantly meddling in other people's business, calling for regime changes to suit their desires, and when they aren't starting wars overseas, they are destroying their own country with their lunatic perversions. 

Boys and girls are now being taught and actively encouraged to question their gender. The slippery slope of allowing gay marriage has morphed into every sexual deviant having their voices heard, while shutting down the voices of the 75% normal people. 

Kids are leaving school in America not being able to read, write or count, but they can tuck their genitals. 

All the while China is teaching their Grade 3 students advanced calculus.

Disney is on record saying that they want their programs/movies to have more openly queer characters, with many more of them on screen. Grooming in any other setting. Maybe they should throw in some scenes showing kids how to self-pleasure or how to pleasure adults. Those would be the cutest story lines ever....

This is what America is today. A country run by pervert communists, and the evil is being felt all around the world. 

Christianity has been suppressed in order for evil to flourish.

These same perverts lied and cheated to remove President Trump, all so they could install a geriatric dementia-ridden compromised idiot, who they could use as their front man to push all their crazy ideology into a 4 year span. Or as Obama would say, fundamentally change the USA. 

They don't care if Biden is kicked out in 4 years time - just as long as most of the ground work has been laid to bring America to her knees. Freedom needs to be crushed so government overreach can be achieved. 

And they're doing a bang-up job already while the RINO's cheer. 

Brace yourselves. We're in a for a very rough ride the next few years and you can thank the American libtard progressives communists - and yes, that includes the RINO's. 

19 October 2021

The Biggest Crime.......

While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is a long one, perhaps the biggest crime of all is the purposeful suppression of safe and effective treatments, including Ivermectin. This appears to have been done to protect the COVID 'vaccine' program.

Nothing more to say.....LINK

USA: Beijing Biden Doing A Great Job as POTUS

As predicted, Sniffy Joe has done a remarkable job as President of the United States. He's tanked the US economy, opened the borders, botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and contradictory to what he said from his basement during the election campaign last year - is trying to impose vaccine mandates to force an experimental medicine onto the American people. 

Wait! But that's not all. He's also taken America from being energy independent with cheap energy prices, to being energy dependent on others. One of his first orders was to close down energy production in America so that the country would once again have to rely on others to juice up the tank and economy. As a result, gas (petrol for us) is nearly 65% more expensive than 10 months ago. Which has resulted in food price increases, empty shelves and American's scratching their heads at how quickly their lives have been destroyed.

And we're only in October, meaning it's only been 10 short months since Sleepy Joe was installed as POTUS. And he's got another 3.2 years to go.......

Quite impressive for someone who can't even read two sentences from the teleprompter without messing it up. 

However, if you step away from what is happening to America at the moment and look at the broader picture, it's not difficult to see the plan. The Obama-cabal, who planned the installation of Sleepy Joe, are using Joey as their front-man to push their agenda as quickly as possible. They only have a short window to get the job done. Gone are the days where Obama had to actually pretend to like America. Seeing as he was voted in on a wave of popularity, he was limited to the amount of damage he could do with all eyes on him in Office. However, with dementia-riddled Joey now in place to take the fall, Obama and his American-hating cabal have carte-blanche and the perfect chance to usher in a Communist utopia as quickly as they can, while Joey mumbles incoherently, looking around for his next ice-cream. Genius.

Imagine the conversation with Joey as Obama-et-al plotted how they could finally 'fundamentally change' America. "Hey Joey! You run for president - we'll get you installed by getting rid of Bernie and rigging the election, and then you just repeat what we put on the teleprompter for you. You don't have to think or do any actual work. In fact, you can sleep in as much as you like and have long week-ends all the time. We'll do all the work for you. You just have to show up every now and then, repeat your lines, and leave the rest to us. The media won't ask you any hard questions - in fact, we won't allow them to ask you any questions. You just ignore them and we'll take care of the rest. And in exchange for you acting as the POTUS, we'll get you all the ice-cream you want and top up your bank account with a few million $$. In fact, we'll top up your entire family's bank accounts as reward for saving America from that tyrant Trump. What do you say?"

Okay Barry. 

And so, while the Republican Party was watching paint dry and fighting among themselves about Trump and his mean tweets, the Democrat machine cranked up. They had 4 years to plan how to rig the next election. They focused on the swing states, knowing they had to steal, lie and cheat in order to get rid of Trump. They distracted everyone with the Russia-Russia-Russia collusion red-herring investigation of Trump - all the while they worked behind the scenes getting the right people (Dems and Repubes) in the right places in the right States to make sure the election would be won by whomever they chose to take on Trump. 

And the only fool they could offer was dementia Joe. Joe was the best of the bunch apparently. He was the one they could sell as being the 'level headed, experienced, diplomatic and capable' alternative to meany Trump. 

Why Joe? Well, seeing as they had to rig the election, they needed someone plausible - someone they could install that the American people accepted could have genuinely won. The plan had to be believable.

So Joe was it. And they managed to hide his unpopularity and dementia by blaming Covid as to why Joey couldn't attend rallies or have crowds at his appearances or speak without scripted questions. They drew circles on the ground at his so-called rallies, so that people wouldn't ask why so few people bothered to go listen to the demented fool. They fed the compliant media the questions they should ask Joey so he could be coached on his responses.

It was brilliant marketing and strategy by the Dems. 

The rest was done by hiding his past racism and whitewashing his political history, but then again, that wasn't too hard when they had the corrupt media in their pockets, and the multi-millionaire Tech Giant owners on their side. Too easy. Just get Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. to silence the political opposition or hide damaging news stories, and then use people like Zuckerberg to fund election fraud to the tune of (in his case) nearly half a billion dollars, and Bob's your uncle. 

Joey was installed, just as planned. 

Poor Hilary must be wondering what she did to the Dems to not get the same treatment as Joey, and not get installed.

The rest, as they say, is history. America is being destroyed from within, without a bullet fired. 

The kids are being indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory - where White children are being taught to hate themselves, and non-Whites are taught they can't amount to anything because of the White race.

The vaccine mandates are forcing many to be fired or quit their jobs - adding to the unemployment. Many are skilled and intelligent people.

The economy is in free-fall. Taxes are higher either via increased taxes or the tax from inflation - what you could buy for $100 a year ago is nearly half what a person can buy today.

The borders are wide open so that as much unskilled, cheap labor can be brought in to further exclude Americans from the workforce. Big Industry loves them some open-borders, so that they can pay cheaper labor while the tax payers pick up the bill for their food/housing/medical etc. that they can't afford with their low wages.

Not to mention the criminals and drugs coming through the border.

But hey, that's a small price to pay when you need new voters. After all, the Dems and Republicans who love them some open borders don't have to live near the filth moving into the suburbs of the ordinary Americans. They live far away from the illegal immigrant dumping grounds, in their elite suburbs surrounded by other ultra-wealthy NIMBY's. 

My original blog started around 2009 and I was already predicting what America's future would be - hoping I was wrong and that American's would wake up. Trump paused the madness - but not for long. He was but a handbrake on the out-of-control car being driven by the communists who hate America. It's never enough destruction for them. They could reduce America to Haiti II, and they'd still say their policies didn't work because they didn't try hard enough - or they didn't go far enough quicker.

You can't reason with these mentally ill people. The hate and jealousy over what other people have achieved is too inbred in them. Critical thinking is above their pay grade.

So, with such mentally ill people running the show, it's not going to be long before the lunatic asylum either closes down or is burned to the ground.

Which will it be America?

22 January 2021

USA: Strong Hitting Questions for President Doofus JoeBama

Media trust has dropped to 46% in the USA. It should be at zero, but you win the war slowly I guess.

So with that in mind, with the fawning media making fools of themselves now that Creepy Joe is in the White House, here are some media questions for President Doofus JoeBama's press secretary tomorrow...

1) Did our savior Joe get enough sleep last night?
2) What kind of pudding is Joe's favorite?
3) Will you get Joe to autograph my book?
4) Would you like to have lunch when this is over?
5) Love your outfit.
6) Does Joe need a massage? 
7) Did I tell you I love your outfit?

South Africa: Getting a Covid-19 vaccine ‘ID system’

Apparently, the South African government is in the process of developing an electronic vaccination data system (EVDS) to assist with the roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines across the country.

To new readers to my blog, I need to add here that I was born and raised in South Africa and fled to Australia in 2008 - I haven't been back since, but I've kept an eye on what's been happening in my land of birth.

And it ain't pretty.

The useless Marxist liberation IQ67 ANC freedumb fighters who were given an almost first-world country on a silver platter back in 1994, have all but destroyed the country. Even IQ67's are starting to complain - which you would think should have been a given decades ago, but you underestimate the IQ of the majority population. Let's just say that you can reason with a brick better than reasoning with them.

Rape, murder and crime are the standard fare for law-abiding, tax-paying citizens in the country now. It was pretty bad when I left, so I can only imagine what the reality is like now.

So forgive me if I laugh into my cups when I read that the useless twits in the ANC government are 'developing' a vaccination data system - they can't even keep the lights on, let alone develop anything that actually works.

There's an old saying in SA: How do you ensure something is broken you want broken? Give it to an IQ67 and tell them not to break it.

In any case, once you have been vaccinated against the KungFlu and your details uploaded into this wonderful magical 'data system' and onto a national register, you are meant to receive a vaccination card. 

By now I'm rolling on the floor seeing as a friend of mine here in Australia waited over a year for the SA consulate to renew her SA passport. Over a year....

But, I digress.....

Major business groups, including Oracle and Microsoft, have already identified future travel as an issue and have set up the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) which is working to enable individuals vaccinated for KungFlu to access their vaccination records in a secure, verifiable and privacy-preserving way. 

Why, aren't they just the sweetest, these corporate globalist fascists???

It looks like the plan is to force people to take the KungFlu vaccination if they ever want to travel again.

So let me point out right about now that the KungFlu vaccines being given to the stupid guinea pigs around the world don't actually prevent you from getting the KungFlu - like, for example the smallpox vaccine. No, it's only supposed to mitigate your symptoms once you are infected. 

So how in the heck do they think they have the right to prevent people from travelling if the stupid vaccine doesn't actually stop you from getting the disease?????? You're still going to get it, but maybe not as bad....but you can then, of course, still pass it onto someone else as you'd be... infectious.

Israel has been leading the world in vaccinating their small population. However, now an Israeli doctor has said that Pfizer's COVID-19 jabs aren't nearly as effective as the 95% efficacy rate advertised - probably more like almost nothing to half as effective in my humble estimation. 

Plus, numerous people have developed KungFlu after the first shot and before the second. So you have to ask, is the vaccine making you sick with the KungFlu post vaccination?

Another reason I'm not touching the vaccine is because it's made from modified mRNA. I wouldn't go near it if it's the last thing on earth I had to take in order to live forever.

There have been so many deaths and/or adverse drug reactions after receiving these hastily pushed through vaccines, so you have to wonder why the WHO hasn't stopped the vaccinations until more safety data is released and the efficacy proven.....yeah, I wonder why.... hmmmmmmm. $$$$$$$$

So, thanks Microsoft and Bill Gates, but you can shove your KungFlu shot up your betootie. I'm no dumbo. 

Australia is a huge, diverse continent, and I have lots of time to travel all around my beautiful country. I don't need to ever leave my island again. It'll take more than a year just to see Queensland, then there's Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales - Canberra is a pimple. Lots to see, so little time.

And I'm not the only one thinking this way. Caravan sales in Oz have gone through the roof since the KungFlu hit the world. The one good thing about the KungFlu is that it's forced families to spend time together, and made people realise commercialism and buying unnecessary crap is overrated. Rather spend that money on giving yourself and your loved ones a good life. 

So thanks, but that's a big fat no from me, Billy the Goat.


USA: Biden’s Keystone Pipeline Kill

On his first day as the American President, between his installation inauguration and groping/smelling some young females, President Doofus JoeBama was told to sign an Executive Order (EO) to shut the Keystone Pipeline down.

In 2008, TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) applied for a permit to transport up to 830,000 barrels of crude per day from the Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. The Keystone XL pipeline is currently under construction between Alberta, Canada and Nebraska. Is is estimated that the pipeline would have created at least 10,000 US jobs paying $2.2 billion in union wages. 

In 2015, despite the Kenyan Marxist, Barry Obummer's administration having found on 5 different occasions that there was no environmental impact, and despite studies showing that transporting the crude via rail or tanker would result in 28% to 42% higher CO2 emissions and more leaks - in 2015 Obummer rejected the permit using the Paris Climate accords as the excuse.

In came Trump and reversed the decision.

And then along came Doofus and banned the pipeline again, squashing a potential 10,000 jobs. TC Energy has now laid off 1000 Canadian workers since Biden was told to sign the EO.

I sure hope all those union workers didn't vote Biden.......

Not bad President Doofus JoeBama - you only managed to get rid of 10,000 jobs on day 1. Let's see how many more you ship off somewhere else. After all, most of the workers in the oil industry are White males, so they are public enemy number 1 in America these days.


Democrats and Climate Change worshipers right now ...

I'm so relieved that we're shutting down a clean pipeline so we can buy oil from the non-regulated Middle East and have it transported by thousands of huge, gas guzzling tankers who dump their oily bilge in the ocean.

Because sCieNCe !!!

21 January 2021

USA: Deeply unpopular Trump harassed in Florida by terrorists

Poor former US President Trump.

He is so deeply unpopular that thousands lined the streets to cheer him and wish him well on his way to Mar-a-Lago.

Safe to say that there were more people cheering for Trump on the streets of Florida than there were at the President Doofus inauguration.......

USA: National Guard troops turn their backs on Biden motorcade

What do you expect when Biden's cabinet minister calls them White Supremacists and called for loyalty tests?

At least most in the military have in some way acknowledged they don't like their new Commander in Cheat.

Sure, you could make the argument that some are facing towards the 'danger' but if you look closely, there are pockets of soldiers where they're all looking away from Biden. Only a few facing the car. 

When you bring in 26,000 plus armed military to keep all those Trump Nazi terrorists out of the Capitol just to keep a lie going that Trump supporters were trying to lead an 'insurrection'......don't be surprised when the patriots in the military don't show you any respect.

USA: Media giving Biden a real hard time......

The USA media is giving Biden a very hard time already, fawning over him and the wife as if they are the Next Coming.

Poor Joe. Four years of the media circling their wagons and carrying water for him and all his gaffes. 

How ever is he going to survive?

One such example is CNN's David Chalian who said that the side lights on the National Mall's reflecting pool are like "extensions of Joe Biden's arms embracing America."

Yeah, more like one arm is in the pockets of hard-working Americans, and the other one groping a young female.

MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann said during his network’s coverage of President Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony that seeing the past president’s standing with Biden was like “the Avengers, sort of the Marvel superheroes back up there together.”

Meanwhile, back at CNN:

During his network’s coverage of President Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony, CNN political commentator Van Jones said that he was crying with joy while watching the first few hours of the Biden administration.

Jones said, “It’s just memorizing to watch a functional government doing functional government type things. I mean, just a press conference, and there was a human, and the person said words, and the words made sense. Then somebody asked a question, and then the person answered the question, and you are just crying. Oh my God.”

What happened to that tough, relentless media who never gave Trump a days rest?? 

Gone overnight. Poof! Like magic.

Biden's feet hadn't even touched down in Washington DC and the media were already licking the streets clean leading up to the White House, as well as readjusting their pants because they were so ....err... excited. 

Amazing that, huh?

Watch the CNN Buffoon Chalian almost wet his pants.
